Sunday, November 16, 2014

3 days at the old homeplace

August 5 2012

It has been 3 days since I have written to the blog, I don’t know why this stop has been different than all the rest, this whole trip I don’t think I’ve gone more than a day without posting something. To make matters worse I didn’t even take any pictures the last three days. I guess my only excuse is the only campsite I could secure is at least fifty miles from everyone we planned to visit, which made for some long days. I didn’t see everyone I had planned on seeing; here is a brief tour of our weekend.

We visited my friends Stan and Barbara Crisco. They are renovating an old log cabin in Kent County Delaware. They have it done enough that they have moved in, but have a long way to go before it’s finished.

Next we met some old boating friends (aka The River Rats) for dinner in North East Maryland. I had told my Brother in Law Rock to meet us there as he lives nearby. He brought his two daughters, Casey and Kiley, Caseys Husband Bill and several youngin’s. I must say I was a bit surprised that all these folks came to greet me, but it was good to see them, the are all good people.

The next day we went to my parent’s house in Newark Delaware. This Wednesday is my mothers 88th. Birthday so we had a cookout and cake in her honor. My son and his family, Sallie, my brother Dave and his family and Millie and I were there to sing to the birthday girl. Afterwards I gave Millie a tour of Newark, the town I grew up in.

On Sunday we drove to Rock Hall Maryland to visit my brother John and Sister in Law Sandy. They didn’t make it to my parents the previous day because John is laid up with a bad back. In the afternoon we had to meet my Daughter in Law Kristie and Granddaughter Delaney back at Killen’s Pond State Park. Delaney is riding with us for the rest of the trip and staying with me at the beach till school starts.

Tomorrow morning (Monday) we depart and point the bus toward home. We will stay overnight somewhere along the way and arrive in Myrtle Beach on Tuesday.

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