Sunday, November 16, 2014

San Simeon State Park

June 17 2012

On today’s adventure we departed the Sierra Nevada mountains and traveled due west to the Pacific coast. Our route on Highway 46 took us thru miles and miles of agriculture. First was citrus trees and grape vines, they stretched out from the road for as far as the eye could see. Further into the plains between the Sierra Nevada and the Sierra Madre mountains were almond and pistachio trees, carrots, and nursery flowers, again stretching as far as you could see. It’s an amazing sight to see, we really enjoyed this part of the trip

Stopping at a crossroads market to buy some local farm products, we discovered that the market was the last place Jimmy Dean stopped before he died in the car crash just down the road.
We left the Sierra Nevada’s without reservations for tonight’s stop, instead relying on one of our travel mantras, “Somebody will take us in”. Shortly after arriving on the Pacific coast highway we came upon the San Simeon State Park, here we learned that there where no other campgrounds between here and Monterey with the exception of a couple primitive camps in the federal park system. We elected to stay here for the night; we will drive the coast highway to Monterey tomorrow.

We walked on the beach adjacent to the campground, it was interesting and photogenic with large rock outcroppings and multi colored rocks on the beach, but it sure is a lot different than what we’re used to. No dogs allowed on the beach here, that’s a shame, Maggie and Dixie, especially Maggie would have enjoyed rolling in all the rotting kelp. I’m trying to be nice but,...well....I’ll post a picture of our Myrtle Beach along with today’s pictures of San Simeon beach and you decide.

PS: We have discovered spectacular vistas and beautiful sand beaches, but the above was yesterdays view and it is what it is. Pictures of the good stuff later today.

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