Sunday, November 16, 2014

Touring San Fransisco

June 20 2012

Well, its 9:30 pm and I’m just sitting down to the computer. Millie and I spent the day in downtown San Francisco. We didn’t drive the jeep; instead we walked to the ferry terminal and took a high speed catamaran to Pier one in the city. We bought an all day pass and used the cable trolleys and the electric trolley’s to get around the city.

We saw all the popular sites, but that’s not the reason I’m sitting here this late. When we got back and after we did the normal routine with the dogs I turned my computer on and the screen was dead. This happened once after this computer had been sitting unused for a while. I was able to get it working by cycling the power a few times. This time I could not resurrect it.

I called the local BestBuy and spoke with someone in the geek Squad, he assured me he could have the info from my computer transferred to a new one in 24 hours. I drove right over with my broken laptop. The man I had spoken with had left for the day, the new tech said it would be tight getting it done by the next day but they would try. Off to the sales department I went to buy the new ASUS laptop, the same make as my old one and still my preferred manufacturer. The one I wanted and had checked online for in store inventory was not available, the only one they had was the floor display. I settled on a comparable Samsung and took it to the Geek Squad desk.

They now informed me that it was highly doubtful that they could complete the data transfer by our departure date of Friday morning. He started with the snow job of how complex the procedure was, telling me they had to dissect the machine to remove the hard drive and blah blah blah.

I said don’t you have a monitor you can hook up my computer, because I’m sure everything else is working and if you could just get a remote monitor hooked to it the data could be transferred very easily. I could see more snow coming when Millie asked if he could just try hooking up a remote monitor. He gave in to her southern charm and about 30 seconds later we were looking at the startup screen.

Back to the sales department we went to buy a monitor, the new plan was I would get my $80 data transfer fee returned, that would pay for the monitor and I would transfer my files myself. As I was standing at the customer service counter I thought, heck with the monitor, I don’t have to buy the Samsung computer. I’ll use my ASUS with the remote monitor until I get to a store that has the computer I want in stock. So I returned the Samsung and left the store with my old computer and the new monitor.

When we got back to the motorhome it was almost dark so we took the dogs out for their last pee before bed. I moved Millie’s laptop to my smaller computer desk and I moved to the dinette table were I would have room for the laptop and remote monitor. I hooked everything up, fired it up and you know I wouldn’t have drug out this story if it didn’t have a crazy ending...... I’m typing this and looking at it on two screens, the new 21 inch monitor and the laptop screen which has miraculously arisen from the dead!

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