Sunday, November 16, 2014

Los Alamos, New Mexico

May 24 2012

So far this trip we’ve camped in some really nice state and federal parks, some ok campgrounds, all have been good for our purposes, whether a quick overnight stop or spending a day touristing. (I just invented that word)We are now in our 2nd driveway camp; the first was at my brothers in Rock Hall and tonight at Millie’s daughter’s house. Just like John and Sandy, RaeAnne and Dave have graciously offered us their guest room, but we like staying in the motorhome. It has all our stuff in it and all the dogs stuff, it’s just a lot easier to stay aboard the bus. Besides all that, Maggie is just much more comfortable in the motorhome, she has her safe places in the RV to get away from everyone.

Almost forgot to mention, RaeAnne and Dave live in Los Alamos, New Mexico. I haven’t seen much of the area yet, but I can tell you the surrounding mountains are breathtaking. You couldn’t find a more isolated place to put a town, but that is exactly what the government was looking for when they developed the atomic bomb here during World War 2.

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