Sunday, November 16, 2014

Leaving Los Alamos

June 03 2012

New Mexico calls itself the land of enchantment, and I have to agree, it is quite a place. In the week we were there in addition to enjoying the hospitality of Millie’s family we toured the Puye Indian cliff dwellings, a dormant for 50,000 years mega volcano (Valles Caldera), went hiking, went to the Friday night concert in the park (twice), toured Santa Fe, and learned my way around Los Alamos. I hope I can return again someday and explore some more of it, but it was time to move on we have a lot more to see on this trip.

We left Los Alamos and drove to The Petrified National Park in Arizona. We took the 28 mile driving tour of the park, stopping a couple times at scenic overviews. Exiting the southern entrance of the park we drove to Holbrook, where we are spending the night at a KOA campground. After dinner we drove to the town park to give the dogs some exercise and I was surprised to see......GREEN GRASS! The entire park was irrigated and grass covered; you can’t imagine how rare that is out here. For the most part everything here is some shade of brown, anyhow the dogs enjoyed it.

update 2015: At the time of our trip I don't know how much Millie had shared about our relationship with her New Mexico family. Looking back, I wouldn't have blamed them if they had been cold towards me. After all, Millie had been thinking of relocating to New Mexico to be close to her family during her retirement years and the next thing you know she's driving around the country in a motorhome with someone they've never met. And a Yankee no less! The family accepted me as a part of Millie's life and treated me very well. If they had a anxieties about my intentions toward their mother I'm sure they know by now that I love her and I'm here to stay.

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