Sunday, November 16, 2014

July 8 Seattle

July 8 2012

Today was a pinnacle moment in our road trip. When we departed Blaire Washington this morning we were no longer traveling away from home, but instead our journey is homeward bound. We’re not in any hurry; we plan to be wandering for another month.

We back tracked down I-5 to Seattle this morning; our campground is about 12 miles east of the city. It is in the parent company of my Thousand Trails membership, but not on my plan so we paid a nominal fee to stay here. It is a nice park, very much like a lot of state parks we’ve been in. We receive a few over the air TV channels and have a good 3G internet signal. We don’t care about TV as we rarely watch it, but internet access is almost a necessity. I use it a lot for planning; we never make solid plans for more than a day or two ahead. In fact we mostly roll down the road with no reservations for the end of that days travel. We like to keep the plan as flexible as possible and so far it’s been working very well for us.

Tomorrow we are going into the city to see the King Tut exhibit and the Space Needle Tower. After Seattle, the compass will swing to the east and we make our way across the Northern US.

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