Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Millies shoe dilemma!

April 26 2012

As time gets closer to Larry and my cross-country adventure, it’s getting harder for me to get my mind on all the things that needs my attention. My mind keeps going back to last summer when I spent three months out west visiting my children.

During that time, my kids moved to a new home but before we could get unpacked, we experienced an evacuation from a raging forest fire that threatened their town, which resulted in three adults, a nine month old and two dogs spending seven days and nights in a hotel in Santa Fe NM. If this was not enough excitement, we received a call that a newborn baby had arrived that we had been waiting to adopt.

Although I do not anticipate this particular kind of excitement during out cross-country travels, I am excited beyond measure that we will not have a time schedule, that we can travel at our own pace, stopping when we find something that interests us. Larry and I share an interest in museums, gardens, anything pertaining to history, weapons and aircraft from the Vietnam War era as well as seeing the natural beauty of our wonderful country.

I am especially excited at the prospect of traveling the Pacific Coast Highway in California, which I understand is very beautiful and scenically different from our coast here in South Carolina. Now, if only I can decide how many pairs of shoes I’ll be able pack in the motorhome, one of my most important decisions will be complete…

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