Sunday, November 16, 2014

Memorial Day

May 28 2012

We started the day attending a Memorial Day Ceremony at the cemetery just down the street from Dave and RaeAnne’s house. It was well represented with color guards from various groups, a rifle squad from I think a military school, even Boy and Girl Scouts in uniform. It always makes me misty eyed when I attend these things; but how can we not honor our fallen warriors; they gave their lives for our freedom.

Later we visited the Bradbury Science Museum in Los Alamos; it showcases the history and current focus of the Los Alamos Laboratory. It was very educational; I was especially interested in the Manhattan project era. Millie and I both agreed that a lot of what we experienced was way over our heads and it’s a good thing there are intelligent people capable of doing this work.

Our next adventure of the day was to a high mesa overlooking the Rio Grand River and with broad vistas of the surrounding mountains. Description is beyond my abilities, it was absolutely stunning, absolutely beautiful. New Mexico seems like a foreign world compared to the east coast, when you gaze out at the rugged mountains you can’t help but be in awe. Every day I like it more out here, this truly is a nice place to visit, but I don’t think I would live here, too cold in the winter for me.

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